Monday, July 20, 2009

The Boat, Beading, Baptism and Weddings

We've enjoyed our weekends on the boat this summer... and the fresh-air and time to drift on the Mississippi has been fantastic! With all normal stuff life throws at you, it's so important to have time to just relax and watch the world go by! This boat has made that all possible for us. We've met some very cool people at the St Paul Yacht Club and love St Paul from the river!

With a fresh head, I am enjoying life right now...

I've really been getting into beading! It's SO addictive! It all started with my sister, Jill, who had the new year's resolution to have craft night to scrapbook on a regular basis... The scrapbooking is coming along nicely but I can't put the beads down! I've made over a dozen necklaces and bracelets - and just this weekend I branched out to earings! My friend's mom has taken her craft to higher level, and wow! Check out: Bacon Square Farm

But there is more great news!!!!

I am Gabe's godmother! Jill's new baby (born in May) was baptised this weekend - and wow my sister is a good cook - the family gathering was awesome and the kids had a great time playing on the go-cart and in the inflatable waterslide! My sister is amazing. For all of us (I'm talking 20+) to have such a lovely afternoon, hosted by my sister with all 6 kids crawling up her leg, was incredible.

Jenny, my cousin, asked me to be in her wedding next year! Yippee! I'm so excited for her... I'm looking forward to being part of her special day!

Jeff and I are still planing to get married... we have not yet set a date... but we've narrowed it down to a month: July 2010! The kids are excited - Rose is excited about being a flower girl!

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