Monday, January 21, 2008

Time stops for no one...

It's been over a year since I first thought it would be a good idea to start a blog... well... obviously, I've been so busy with my life, I've not had a chance to tell you all about it... so...

I've seen the Grand Canyon! I guess all you need to do is hope for something, and your dreams can come true...

I have met the most lovely man. Jeff is my best friend. Jeff took me to CA to meet his family over Christmas and we had a chance to see the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas and San Diego.

So... I guess if I was to say what my hopes are for the next year (and let's hope I take the time to share my fantastic happenings....) I would have to say... bring on the happiness! More trips to places I've never been, and summer days riding our bikes and planting flowers...